Curriculum Development with Haisla Nation


We are very excited about a new project we recently started with Haisla Nation. Our team will collaborate with educators and curriculum specialists at Haisla to develop x̄a̓’islak̓ala and x̄a̓’isla culture curricula for kindergarten through grade 12. 

This curriculum project is part of a community-wide, multi-year initiative to revitalize x̄a̓’islak̓ala. Haisla Nation is leading several initiatives to develop members’ connections to their language and culture. These programs include creating a x̄a̓’islak̓ala Learner’s Group, Mentor Apprentice Program, Haisla Cultural Awareness Training, and Culture Camp. The Nation also participated in a Rapid Word Collection Workshop with the First Nations Education Foundation (FNEF). They’ve recorded thousands of words and phrases to share on the FirstVoices website. 

Learning Bird is working with the Haisla Culture and Language team to write and design the curriculum documents for kindergarten through grade 12. Eventually, the Nation will implement the curricula in c’im’oca, Haisla Community School, Coast Mountain School District 82 and post-secondary and adult education programs. These curriculum documents will be the foundation for future teaching materials and lesson plans to support lifelong learning in and around the Nation. 

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